What I'm up to now

I've relocated back to California and am currently working as a software engineer at Cash App. I've been busy building a new payment method called Cash App Pay. We've got 3M monthly actives, processed over $1B in GPV last year, and are on track for $3B+ in 2024. Phenomenal performance, right? Give Cash App Pay a try and let me know what you think!


  • TypeScript

  • React

  • Ruby

  • Javascript

  • Redux

  • Kotlin

  • GoLang

  • GraphQL

  • Docker


Single-page web application designed to locate the best happy hours nearby. Built with Rails, React, Redux, Javascript, and PostgreSQL. Integrates Google Maps API and AWS S3. Inspired by Yelp.


Piñata Smasher

Piñata Smasher is an interactive piñata-smashing game with one objective: smash as many piñatas as you can and stock up on candy. Built with Javascript, HTML5 Canvas, and EaselJs.



Custom ORM library that abstracts away complicated SQL queries and provides a simple and intuitive interface for users to effectively interact with databases.


Current Interests


I happened upon a blockchain hackathon back in May 2017, and have been hooked ever since. I've since attended a couple blockchain hackathons, and have won 2.5 bitcoins and two Xbox Ones with my projects! While I'm still learning and exploring, I am able to build dApps end to end using Truffle, Ganache, Remix, Metamask, and Web3. I'm always happy to chat or collaborate on cool crypto ideas.

Why software engineering

I previously worked for CVS/Pharmacy as a certified pharmacy technician. While I enjoyed helping people manage and improve their health, there were many inefficiencies behind the pharmacy counter that ate away at my team's productivity and ability to take care of our patients. I began seeing all the ways we could automate and streamline processes at every store I worked. Cutting down time on unnecessary tasks meant more time my team could devote to helping our patients. I wanted to be the person who shook up the industry, and here I am.